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Author: dornen Subject: Dont know how to bring up divorce to a mentally unstable person

Posts: 1
Registered: 02-07-2012

posted on 02-07-2012 at 20:01 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Dont know how to bring up divorce to a mentally unstable person

My wife is on several different meds, including an anti-phsycotic, and she just is simply not the same person she used to be. She says the craziest shit ever! She insists on maintaining a "just friends" relationship with a guy she fucked behind my back while we were still dating, and wonders why it enrages me. We have only been married for a year, hav I suspect she is still boning him, but I cant prove it without spying on her, and I refuse to be that petty. Havent had sex in three months, rarely sleep in the same bed, etc. I dont even want to have sex with her anymore. Her selfishness makes her ugly to me. I dont know how to bring up the prospects of a divorce to her??? I want out so bad that i scream on the inside, but i'm affraid she would do something stupid like take all her pills with a bottle of vodka or something. I refuse to just up and leave while she's gone. We dont have kids, and no financial obligations to eachother, so this should be easy right? Seems like it, but its really not.
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